Spotlight on:
Jenelle MacIsaac
Registered Dietitian, Atlantic Superstore​
Jenelle is a Registered Dietitian with the Atlantic Superstore currently serving Truro, Elmsdale, and Amherst, and soon moving to serve the Bedford and Larry Uteck locations. She graduated from Mount Saint Vincent University’s Applied Human Nutrition Program followed by the Moncton Hospital Graduate Dietetic Internship Program.
Jenelle is passionate about helping her clients and community members learn how to build and maintain a healthy lifestyle in a practical and sustainable way. She has experience in chronic disease prevention and management, plant-based nutrition, and meal planning. Jenelle has spent three years building up community partnerships in these regions delivering community nutrition presentations and cooking classes for non-profit groups, with a special interest improving access to food and food literacy.
What do you love most about your job?
My favorite part of the job is being able to connect with and build partnerships with so many different community groups. Being able to provide nutrition education to groups in need is so rewarding. Hearing from families that they’ve tried a new recipe or picked up a new skill in the kitchen is the highlight of my job.
Where is your favorite place to be in Nova Scotia?
What’s not to love about Nova Scotia!! But I must say my favorite place is the family cottage near Caribou Island. It’s always filled with family, friends, and outdoor time!
What food is always in your fridge/pantry/freezer?
Peanut butter!! In any form peanut butter is a staple. Not only because it’s a satisfying source of protein and healthy fat but it’s delicious and so versatile. My favorite combo to crush the evening sweet tooth craving, is a date with chocolate chips dipped in peanut butter.