Spotlight on:
Megan White
Dietitian Candidate, BSc AHN with integrated internship (May 2024)
Megan is currently coordinating the dietitian spotlight for the Dietitians Network of Nova Scotia. She recently finished her integrated internship through MSVU in December 2023 and has been working with Shannex as a regional dietitian (candidate) since January 2024. She has always loved working around food (and eating it!) and chose to pursue dietetics after cooking and baking professionally for several years. She can’t imagine a career that doesn’t revolve around food! Her current interests in dietetics include geriatric nutrition, dysphagia, and the gut/brain connection. In her free time, she enjoys baking, embroidery, and hiking – however, her main hobby lately has been studying for the CDRE!
What is your favorite place to find new recipes?
I still use Pinterest daily and it is usually my first stop when looking for a new recipe. There have definitely been some flops, but also some really good ones! I love The Brown Eyed Baker for bread and cake recipes, and Work Week Lunch for packed lunch inspiration.
What food is always in your fridge/pantry/freezer?
I always have yogurt in the fridge. Usually, it is whichever type or flavour is on sale that week, but vanilla Greek yogurt is my favorite. I use it for smoothies, in yogurt and granola bowls, in my oatmeal and even for baking sometimes. Other staples include frozen veggies, pasta and spicy tomato sauce!
What do you love most about your job?
What I love the most about my job is that I can work with the residents, their families, and the interdisciplinary team to improve the resident’s quality of life by providing nutritious and meaningful food to them. Every resident has a favorite food or food memory, and I always look forward to learning about it. I am also very proud of my role as part of the palliative care committee at my site. I have put a focus on advocating for the benefit of comfort feeding at end of life, which has created so many important conversations and learning opportunities for all involved – staff, residents and families alike. ​