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Spotlight on: Patricia Poulsen

Registered Dietitian and Kettlebell Fitness/ SPRY yoga Instructor. 

Private Practioner and Owner of Eat, Live, Be Well 


She lives in Halifax with her husband and three energetic children. Patricia is a holistic driven registered dietitian with over 15 years of experience. She has worked in a variety of settings including hospitals, media and food industry. Patricia is also a kettlebell fitness instructor and coach and for the past 2 years, has successfully been counselling clients in private practice and instructing fitness classes in her small home studio in Bedford. Her scope of practice includes digestive health and food allergies, heart health, vegetarian/vegan diets and sports nutrition. Patricia is passionate about food and adopting a back to basics and sustainable approach to eating. Patricia is married with 3 beautiful children and appreciates that hectic schedules and time constraints often get in the way of providing balanced diet and daily exercise, but believes it is possible. She can be contacted via her website and is available by appointment only.


What has been the proudest moment in your career? 

There are two rewarding moments that truly stand out for me. My proudest moment (and scariest), is giving up a steady 10 year clinical position at Capital Health to go into private practice.  That took a lot of guts!  It has been the best decision I have made.  Combining my passion for fitness and nutrition and being successful enough to continue doing what I love.


Finish this sentence: I feel happiest when…
When I am swinging or snatching kettlebells of course.


What is your favorite food?
Even though I consider myself a flexitarian, I love all things vegan.  I think its the complexity of it, creating and transforming something ordinary like a mushroom
into something mouthwatering like buffalo wings.  It’s genius, not to mention healthy.


How do you unwind when you are not working?
I love to spend time with my little monkeys AKA my family. Their energy fuels my soul and allows me to be the person I am.  I also love to meditate through yoga which I practice and instruct in my studio 3 days a week.


What is your next big project?

My next project I am working towards is developing and publishing a cookbook. At the moments sounds a bit ambitious where I have developed only a few successful recipes, but am confident it will come into fruition in the not so far future.


Share one piece of advice with future dietitians.
You need to be open minded.  There is no one size fits all approach to healthy eating, it’s your job to make it fit for your client not the other way around.

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