“The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are.”
Melissa holds a Bachelor of Science in Applied Human Nutrition Dietetics from Mount Saint Vincent University.
Her life experiences have led to a special interest in sports and nutrition. Melissa, a lifelong athlete, has performed in endurance sports including road cycling, trail running, adventure racing, and cyclocross. This wealth of personal experience helps Melissa to understand the balancing act that athletes face between training, nutrition and normal life. She works with Olympians, National, Provincial and collegiate athletes privately and with her work at the Canadian Sport Institute Atlantic.
Melissa’s treatment approach includes establishing a complete understanding of an athletes dietary history and needs, goal setting, meal planning and motivation. The objective is to set the athlete on a path to eating for energy and maximum mental and physical health.
Melissa’s passion is guided by her belief that the food we eat helps to make us stronger in all aspects of our lives. She strives to empower clients to make changes in their diets without the restrictive nature of most fad diets.
Melissa Allen, RD - Food and Nutrition