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January's Buzz

The latest buzz

Our diets are the new designer labels

Thoughtful perspective on the new "fad" diets that many people begin this time of year.

If artificial ingredients are out, what's in for 2016?

Learn the new trends expected in the food industry. Interesting stuff: a rise in stevia, savoury yogurts and fermented foods.

The Myth of Easy Cooking

We know planning, making/cooking up a nutritious meal isn't always easy but it is worth it- mess around in that kitchen with healthy ingredients and you are always sure of success!

Food as Medicine, Preventing and Treating the Most dreaded diseases with diet and Treating the Most Dreaded Diseases with Diet

Best 2015 Youtube video that reviews thousands of nutrition studies- a must see!

Super healthy kids

This site has an incredible array of blog posts that relate directly to you and your family or you and your clients children- great resources for you to share with your clients/patients!

Free nutrition app- “Dr. Greger’s Daily Dozen” smartphone app linked from

A new FREE app to recommend to clients (and use yourself) - best foods to eat each day.

Read about and download the Android App here and the iPhone App here.


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