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Eat, Read, Learn


The COVID-19 pandemic has created unprecedented challenges for our population. Small businesses, including farmers, restaurants, etc. continue to operate, and many have quickly changed how they do business. Please make efforts to support them. The Seaport Market posted the following summary of farmer’s market options, most include delivery or pick-up.

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Also, if you’re looking to purchase food for take-out, there is a list of Halifax-area restaurants that are open:

Read & Learn:

If you are still getting adjusted to a new way of working - from home, using telehealth, etc. - you might find Dietitians of Canada’s PEN (Practice Evidence-Based Nutrition) helpful. DC has offered free access to PEN during the COVID-19 crisis.

With work and school now being done virtually, having your skills honed with video interviews & communication is more important than ever. Gerald Walsh & Associates, career advisors, have summarized several tips for mastering good video interviews, but the skills are important for any video communication.

If you follow Dr. Yoni Freedhoff’s Weighty Matters blog, you likely get his ‘Saturday Stories’ in your inbox. There are loads of interesting reads here every week, but one that I found really useful, was Why you need to be cautious with news reports of COVID-19 preliminary research.

If you have a blog, book, or online course that you would like to share with your fellow network members, please forward information to Coleen at:

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