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Eat, Read, Learn


Yay! We’re allowed back in restaurants and some shops! This comes as a huge relief to those of us who have the disposable income. For many, food insecurity was a reality before COVID’s arrival, or perhaps as a result of COVID-related job-loss, etc. As The Coast shared, Feed NS managed to adapt to the COVID rules, and added delivery to their service.

With end of school year happening, consider giving to Feed NS or other charitable donation in honour of any teachers or coaches you would like to thank.

Read & Learn:

Black Lives Matter:

We mostly focus on healthy eating and lifestyle, avoiding discussion of socio-political issues. However, given the recent events in the US, with the George Floyd murder, and on-going protests around the world, we thought inclusion of this Canada-specific resource on Black Canadians would be helpful to improve the health of our society as a whole.

How Safe are My Favourite Summer Activities?

With restrictions gradually easing here in NS, many are wondering what is and isn’t safe re: COVID-19 risk. Dr. Brian Goldman’s podcast with infectious disease specialist, Dr. Lynora Saxinger sheds some light with a 2-part podcast.

If you have a blog, book, or online course that you would like to share with your fellow network members, please forward information to Coleen at:

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