March's Buzz
The Latest Buzz
Nutrition Month 2016
Take the Pledge now! March is Nutrition Month, tons of resources to find for "The 100 Meal Journey in March"!
(DNNS is collaborating with the NS Nutrition Month committee to promote Nutrition Month in NS by adding a local perspective. See the details here.)
A tax on sugar-sweetened beverages may promote better nutrition.
Dietitians of Canada our national body, has released a position paper on the cost of sugar sweetened beverages such as pop.
Buying local at the Farmer's Market in winter.
Quick segment on the CTV news. Also check out the local Farmer' s markets for tips on foods in season and to find one near you- share with friends and clients.
Why fruits and vegetables taste better in Europe. I can attest to this fact. Other than the veggies from my Dad's amazing farm garden, I have not eaten any good tomatoes here in Canada. But when I went to Italy, wow, those red veggies were simply amazing!
French supermarkets banned from throwing away and spoiling unsold food, Supermarkets will be obliged to sign a donation deal with charities. Love this idea! We need to prevent food from going to the organics.
Island Food Skills Initiative to become 'truly Island initiative' Check out this amazing program in PEI by one of their chefs. Love that he is sharing his cooking talents with our youth, need a national program!
Gluten Free Pancakes -Recipe for gluten/dairy free pancakes that can be made the day before or even frozen. Uses chickpea flour for your celiac clients!