July's Buzz
The Latest Buzz
The links below do not necessarily reflect the ideas/beliefs of the DNNS. They are topics of interest to dietitians who work with the public and want to learn more via the latest Buzz.
Why dietetic interns need to learn empathy. Great read on the importance of our internships for practical experiences with clients.
Healthy Theme Dinner Rotation Schedule and free meal plan. Some new ideas for healthy meals for families, good to share with clients.
The ideal protein diet is far from ideal anything. A dietitians real take on protein diets, good info here.
We repeat: Butter is not back. The continuing public debate about whether butter is better than other fats.
America addicted to overeating. New food labels, too little, too late. Another take on why the American food label changes may not result in any changes related to the obesity problems in NA.
Science news
CFDR Study Reveals Consumer Confusion Related To Nutrition Information. In case you missed it, from the DC conference, latest trends among Canadian consumers.
Canadian Consensus on Female Nutrition: Adolescence, Reproduction, Menopause, and Beyond. The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (SOGC) today announced the publication of the long-awaited guideline - Latest research explained for dietitians, great read! http://www.dietitians.ca/Media/News-Releases/2016/SOGC2016.aspx
Delicious strawberry recipes. Strawberry season is upon us, enjoy these healthy choices, good variety!