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April's Buzz

The Latest Buzz

The links below do not necessarily reflect the ideas/beliefs of the DNNS. They are topics of interest to dietitians who work with the public and want to learn more via the latest Buzz.

Blogs- The latest news!

Abby has a great selection of advice and nutritional information for your clients!

Local news

Affordable food boxes for seniors in Sydney, love this project!

National news

Pulse Canada CEO urges ‘food reformulation’ to reduce greenhouse gases, linking food to our environment, another way that the Canadian govt. can look at agriculture.

International news

New sugar targets for the food industry, the UK is often way ahead of Canada in how it looks at food.

Excellent resource

Fake news! A reminder to share with clients, not all nutrition news is true!!

Political science news

Common food policy a must for the EU, great article on how to revise/revision our food systems and governments partnerships.


Easy recipe from Dietitians of Canada for a healthy Cocoa Coconut banana smoothie.

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