August's Buzz
The Latest Buzz
The links below do not necessarily reflect the ideas/beliefs of the DNNS. They are topics of interest to dietitians who work with the public and want to learn more via the latest Buzz.
Blogs - The latest news!
Local news
Tomato, tomato from a RD in Truro
Great article by a NFLD dietitian
National news
Food day is August 5 in Ontario, check out our local food scene!
International news
Great article by former US President about food and climate change, worth the read!
Science news
Med diet, there are many reasons for recommending the Mediterranean diet, but remember the costs involved in buying healthy food.
Recipes and a great resource
Two great recipes for your health!
Great resource for mindful eating with your clients!
Reminder: upcoming government food / dietary consultations closing soon
Restricting Marketing to Children (by Health Canada, extended until August 14th).
Dietary Guidance/ Canada's Food Guide (by Health Canada, extended until August 14th).
A Food Policy for Canada (by Agriculture and Agri-food Canada, extended until August 31st).